Due Diligence

A Due Diligence is the first step of every investor who doesn’t want to buy a pig in a poke.

As due diligence consultans, we provide due diligence support to commercial property owners, government real estate and environmental agency staff, lenders, real estate investment advisors, privat investors, …

Our job is to assemble information, check the buildings, expose weak points, analyse and at the end support the decision-maker with short valid information.

So if you want to buy a real estate, call us, we can help. We work for investors, fund companies and governments as technical due diligence consultants. Our advantage is the high extensive knowledge. We are recognised as special experts from the “Industrie- und Handelskammer München” and the chamber for engineers in Lower Saxony and Bavaria.

The purchase of real estate is a decision with many implications. Only with all available information can you decide and be responsible for the investors, shareholders, board of directors,…

In case of an existing building:

  • we view all documents, existing plans, maintenance works, the energy consumption…
  • we inspect the building, the facing, the roof, the rooms
  • we look for pollutants, like PCB, asbest, …
  • we reflect over other purposes especially in the future
  • we determine the costs of maintenance in the future and the future cost of utilities
  • we point out a maintenance backlog
  • we write a report with picture documents and bench market comparision values

In case of projects, which are not built yet:

  • we examine the planning
  • we examine the standard
  • we examine the investment costs
  • we examine the contracts especially the technical commitments
  • we look at the structure of the project
  • we look for economisations
  • we look for quality and we can supervise it during construction
  • we examine the value of the building and the estate
  • at last we write a report which shows existing potentials as well as possible strategies

For further information please contact us!